April 30th 1 PM ET

GitKraken Client Documentation

Favorite Repos

Quickly access your favorite repos using the drop-down menu or shortcut keys.

Adding favorites

Navigate to File > Open to access the list of recently opened repositories.

On hover, click the heart on the repo you wish to favorite.

Once added, favorites will appear at the top of the drop-down menu in the main application. You can also right-click on any repo to favorite or unfavorite from here.

Shortcut Keys

Once you have a repository favorited, you can quickly swap to it using the assigned keyboard shortcut. Up to 9 repositories can be assigned to the 1-9 keys:

  Mac Windows/Linux
Swap to Favorite Repo #1 control1 Ctrlalt1
Swap to Favorite Repo #2 control2 Ctrlalt2
Swap to Favorite Repo #1-9 control#1-9 Ctrlalt#1-9
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