Read through our collection of troubleshooting guides which will show you the recommended workarounds, solutions and other helpful options to get you up and running with the Git Integration for Jira app.
Add troubleshooting article
Why don’t I see commits? (Git Integration for Cloud) (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Repositories missing from Azure DevOps (or VSTS) integration (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Licensing error – installCheck failed (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Why don’t I see the Create branch or pull request features? (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Connection error for self-hosted git servers (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
SSH key file format is invalid (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Error while reindexing – Java heap space / Object too large, rejecting the pack (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
OAuth connection error or error 401 page with Azure DevOps integration (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
OAuth connection error or error 401 page with Azure DevOps with Active Directory integration (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)
Empty list of repositories after integration of Azure Repos (Git Integration for Jira Cloud)